Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Monthly Mass with classes

We had a great turnout for our monthly mass with class this week. Our students did all the readings, brought up the gifts and read the prayers of the faithful.

We won't do this again until February though, because December 1st falls on the Thanksgiving weekend, and January 5th is our Epiphany party.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mass with class

Today the students came with their teachers for mass as a group.  We had fourteen in our group, and the celebrating priest acknowledged the children to the congregation, saying their attendance serves as an excellent model for all of us.

Isn't that always true? That a child shall lead them?

I continue to be inspired by the faith of my students.  Thank you for making this program a vibrant community.

These masses are on the first Sunday of every month.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome Students! with some FAQs

Our first class for 2013-2014 was on Sunday September 22.  We had some new students and a number of returning students. Next week family handbooks will be distributed.  Thank you to all who paid the fees in full. Reminders will go out to those who have not, or who need to register or provide baptismal certificates.

The first mass we expect to take the children to will be on October 6.